Entries by paulgreystoke007

Coffee Shop Girl

Coffee Shop Girl     I’m going to die. Wish I could say I’d made peace with it, but I’m terrified. Just a waiting game now. Waiting. The bell at the top of the shop door tinkles every time a customer comes in. Tinkles? A repetitive clanging, a chime of doom a… Chinese water torture, […]

The Room

The Room   “Leave the door open.” Mary half smiled as she slid further into the middle of the bed, her exhausted body relishing the comfort of the pink cotton duvet; her tired eyes slowly looking around the bedroom. A soft glow from the candles in the landing leaked through the open doorway providing her […]

Futures Past – Part 1

Futures Past Part One. The schoolboy didn’t want to go to school. He stood on the busy train platform; his sullen face seeming to sink over his drooped shoulders, hunched back and clenched fists, which were planted deep in his trouser pockets. He let out a long regretful sigh whilst stealing a cautious look both […]

Ramblings Of An Outcast – What is Greatness?

My Name – Melek. I am a creation of author P.J. Greystoke and will star in my own novel, but until that day, P.J. Greystoke will be asking me various questions, asking for my views and opinions on various topics, and placing me in short situations to help him understand who I am. You (the […]

Supply Teacher

  Supply Teacher By P.J. Greystoke   Extract from the Highfield School prospectus January 2016 and used in evidence in November of the same year:     “… Celebrating its third successive ‘Good’ from Ofsted and a 48% GCSE average A – C grade increase; Highfield High is so much more than a school. Our […]

In The Moment

In The Moment By P.J. Greystoke     “Do you believe in ghosts?” I shuffled, uneasy in my seat, switching the phone to loudspeaker and placing it on the table; A little more distant and less intimate. That’s the way forward with this type of conversation. “You know, spirits and stuff?” “You know I do.” […]


Clay By P.J. Greystoke   From the clays of a cold star, we are risen. Every atom, molecule and smile seemingly explained to the last definable detail. Undeniable intelligence. .        But where is the beauty? .                   Where is the faith that led us […]

Into The Mind Of A Murderer

Good evening, unless you are not reading this in the wee small hours in which it was written, in which case helooo! I’ve always been fascinated by psychology and what it is that makes a human being do the things that he / she does. Into The Mind of a Murderer is a short story […]